Choosing a Single Bed: A Complete Buyer's Guide


Discover essential tips on choosing the perfect single bed with our comprehensive guide, covering size, material, and style choices.

1. Basics of Single Beds

Single beds, one of the most common types of beds in the home, are usually designed for use by a single person. They come in a variety of sizes and styles to suit different users' needs and space constraints. Standard single beds usually measure 90cm wide and 190cm long, but there are also extra-long or special width single beds on the market to suit different heights and space requirements.

When choosing a single bed, you can select from a wide range of bed types, including traditional wooden bed frames, modern metal bed frames, and practical designs with storage space. Understanding these types will not only help you pick the best single bed for your space and style, but will also ensure that your choice coordinates with your overall home décor.

Read on to find out how to choose the best single bed for you based on size, and to answer the frequently asked question, "What is the best size for a single bed?"

2. Standard single bed sizes and the best choice

When choosing a single bed, the correct size is a crucial factor. Whilst the standard size of a 'single bed' may vary from country to country, the most common size is 90cm (width) x 190cm (length). However, for taller adults or users who want more room to turn around, consider an extra-long single bed, which may be 200cm or longer.

When sizing your bed, first measure the space in the room where you plan to place it. Ensure that you leave enough space for walking around and for placing other furniture. In addition, choosing a bed size should also take into account the height of the user to ensure that the bed will provide adequate comfort and support.

Once you know the size of the bed, we will explore the choice of material for the bed, which is another key factor in ensuring a quality night's sleep. Read on to discover how to choose the best single bed for you based on material.


3. Choosing the right material

Advantages and disadvantages of wood, metal, fabric and other materials

When choosing a single bed, the material is a factor that should not be ignored, as it directly affects the appearance, durability and comfort of the bed. Wood, metal and fabric are the most common bed frame materials on the market, each with its own unique advantages and applicable scenarios.

  • Wood: Wooden bed frames are popular for their classic beauty and natural texture. They often provide solid support and are easy to match with a wide range of home styles. Different types of wood such as oak, pine and walnut also offer a wide range of options from budget to high-end. However, timber bed frames may require more maintenance to prevent moisture and damage.
  • Metal: Known for their modernity and durability, metal bed frames are commonly used in contemporary and industrial style interiors. They are more resistant to wear and damage than timber bed frames and are often lighter and easier to move and assemble. However, metal bed frames may not be as warm and cosy in texture as wood.
  • Fabric: Fabric-covered bed frames (such as suede or leather) offer additional beauty and comfort and are commonly found in modern decor. These types of bed frames can add a luxurious and cosy feel to a bedroom, but are relatively complicated to clean and maintain and may not be the best choice for homes with small children or pets.

Choosing the right material is not only about aesthetics and personal preference, but also about routine maintenance and long-term durability. Read on to find out how functional designs for single beds can help you make better use of space and enhance comfort.

4. Functional design considerations

4.1 Storage: bed frames with drawers and liftable bed bases

When living in a small space, choosing a single bed with storage can greatly improve space utilisation. Bed frames with drawers and lifting bed bases are two very practical options:

  • Bed frame with drawers: this design is usually equipped with drawers at the bottom of the bed and is suitable for storing bedding, seasonal clothing or other small items. Choosing this type of bed frame will help you keep your bedroom tidy and reduce the need for additional storage furniture.
  • Liftable bed base design: This type of bed frame allows the entire bottom portion of the bed to be lifted and the space underneath can be used for storing larger items such as suitcases, sports equipment, and more. Not only is this design an efficient use of space, but it is also easy to access, making it ideal for environments where space is limited.

Choosing a single bed with storage features will not only improve your quality of life, but also make your bedroom space more functional and tidy.

4.2 Removable design: easy to move and change

On the other hand, if you move around a lot, choosing a removable bed frame will come in handy. These bed frames can usually be easily disassembled and reassembled, making it not only easier to move, but also easier for you to reconfigure your bedroom layout to suit your new surroundings.

Next, read on to find out how you can combine design and aesthetics to choose a single bed that meets both functional needs and aesthetic standards.

5. Design and aesthetics

A single bed is not only a necessity for everyday life, but also an important part of your bedroom décor. Therefore, it is important to choose a bed frame that is both functional and fits your personal style.

5.1 Current trends in single bed design

In today's market, single bed design trends cover a wide range of styles from minimalism to modern luxury:

  • Minimalism: Simple lines and unadorned designs are in line with the modern concept of minimalist living. These bed frames usually come in neutral tones and are easy to match with a wide range of interior décor.
  • Industrial: metallic materials and exposed structural elements, such as screws and sheet metal, are typical of the industrial style. This style of bed frame is suitable for those who prefer a raw, unfinished aesthetic.
  • Rustic: The warm texture of wood and intricately carved details, such as lattice headboards, lend themselves to a decorating style that seeks a traditional and natural feel.

5.2 How to match home style and décor

When choosing a single bed, consider the following to ensure that the bed frame coordinates with your interior décor:

  • Color and material: choose a bed frame that coordinates with the material and color of the other furniture in the room. For example, if the bedroom features wooden furniture, choosing a wooden bed frame will maintain a consistent feel.
  • Theme and style: Choose a bed frame based on the theme of your bedroom, whether it's modern, traditional or distinctive, ensuring that the frame complements and enhances the overall design.

Read on as we delve into the deeper aspects of using a single bed, including the feasibility of using a single bed for adults and the pros and cons of single beds.


6. Deeper Issues

6.1 Feasibility of single beds for adults

While single beds are commonly found in children's or teenagers' bedrooms, many adults may choose to use single beds as well, especially if they have limited living space or a limited budget. It is perfectly feasible for adults to use a single bed; the key is choosing the right bed style and mattress for comfort and support.

  • Choosing the right bed model for adults: When choosing a single bed for adults, you should consider a stronger, more supportive frame, especially one made of metal or sturdy wood. In addition, mattress choices should also focus on providing adequate support and comfort, such as memory foam or highly resilient foam mattresses.
  • Consider the length of the bed: for taller adults, choosing an extra-long single bed (e.g. 200cm long) can provide better comfort.

6.2 Advantages and disadvantages of single beds

Choosing a single bed is not only limited by space and budget, but also involves personal lifestyle and preferences. Understanding the pros and cons of single beds can help you make a more informed decision.

  • Pros:
    • Space-saving: single beds take up less space, making them suitable for smaller homes or multi-purpose spaces.
    • Affordability: Single beds are often more affordable than larger beds.
    • Flexibility: single beds are easy to move and set up, making them suitable for tenants or students who move frequently.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Comfort limitations: single beds may seem too narrow for adults who are used to rolling over or need more space.
    • Appearance: in large bedrooms, single beds may appear visually unbalanced.

Read on next to learn about additional considerations in terms of budget and maintenance, as well as how to make the most of the benefits that come with a single bed.

7. Additional considerations when buying a single bed

7.1 Budget and cost-effectiveness

Budget is an important consideration when choosing a single bed. Single beds can range in price from very affordable to relatively expensive, often depending on materials, design and additional features. Understanding the options available in different price ranges can help you stay on budget without sacrificing quality and comfort.

  • Value Comparison: look for cost-effective bed frames and mattresses within your budget, considering their durability and warranty. Sometimes, investing in a slightly more expensive bed frame may be more economical in the long run because it lasts longer.
  • Long-term benefits: Choosing high-quality bed frames and mattresses not only provides a better quality of sleep, but also saves money in the long run by reducing the frequency of future replacements.

7.2 Care and maintenance

Keeping your single bed in tip-top condition not only extends its lifespan, but also ensures continued comfort and support.

  • Tips for daily maintenance: Clean the bed frame and mattress regularly to avoid the accumulation of dust and possible stains. Use cleaning agents and methods appropriate to the material, e.g. a mild wood cleaner for wooden bed frames and avoid corrosive chemicals for metal bed frames.
  • Prolong the service life: Avoid jumping on the bed or applying excessive pressure that may damage the structure of the bed frame. Regularly check the screws and connectors to ensure that the bed frame is stable.

With sensible budget planning and proper maintenance, your single bed can be a long-term investment that is both economical and practical. Now you have learnt about all the key aspects of choosing a single bed, from size and materials to design and maintenance. We hope this information helps you make an informed choice and enjoy the comfort and convenience of a single bed.


Choosing the right single bed requires consideration of a variety of factors, including size, material, design, functionality, and budget and maintenance needs. By taking an in-depth look at these factors, you can select the best single bed for yourself or a family member, optimising the quality of your sleep and your bedroom space.

Act now to select the ideal single bed for your space with this comprehensive buying guide. Explore the options and find that single bed that offers the best comfort, style and value!

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Q1: What is the best size for a single bed?
A1: The ideal size for a single bed typically measures 90 cm in width and 190 cm in length. However, if you are taller than average, you might consider a longer version, such as 200 cm, to ensure comfortable sleeping space.

Q2: What size bed is best for a single person?
A2: A standard single bed is usually sufficient for most single individuals. It offers ample space for a comfortable sleep without taking up too much room, making it ideal for smaller bedrooms.

Q3: What bed is best for a single person?
A3: The best bed for a single person combines functionality with comfort. Look for a robust frame, either in wood or metal, and a mattress that provides good back support and comfort tailored to your sleep habits.

Q4: Are single beds OK for adults?
A4: Absolutely, single beds can be quite suitable for adults, especially those who have limited space or prefer their own sleeping area. Ensure the bed supports the adult’s height and weight adequately.

Q5: What are the disadvantages of a single bed?
A5: Single beds are narrower than double beds, which can be a disadvantage for those who tend to move a lot in their sleep. They also offer less room for when guests stay over and can make a large bedroom appear unbalanced.

Q6: Is it better to sleep in a single bed?
A6: Sleeping in a single bed can be better for individuals who prefer not to share their sleeping space. It allows for undisturbed sleep, particularly if you have different sleep patterns or preferences from a partner.

Q7: How do I choose the best mattress for a single bed?
A7: When selecting a mattress for a single bed, consider your preferred sleeping position and any back or joint issues. Memory foam or high-quality spring mattresses often provide excellent support and comfort.

Q8: Can single beds be stylish and fit into modern decor?
A8: Yes, single beds come in various designs that can complement modern decor beautifully. Minimalist frames, upholstered headboards, and metal frames are all popular choices that can enhance your bedroom's aesthetic.

Q9: What should I consider when buying a single bed for a guest room?
A9: For guest rooms, consider a single bed with under-bed storage to maximise space efficiency. Opt for a neutral style that fits various guest preferences and ensure the mattress offers comfort for all kinds of sleepers.

Q10: Are there innovative designs in single beds that can save space?
A10: Yes, there are several innovative designs available, such as those with built-in storage drawers or lift-up mechanisms for under-bed storage. These designs are particularly useful in smaller spaces or multi-functional rooms.

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